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gag rule是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gag rule

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na.“gag law”的变体

网络释义:言论限制规则;言论限制令;闭嘴规定复数:gag rules  


na.1.“gag law”的变体

n.1.a rule made in a legislature limiting the amount of discussion on an issue

na.1.The variant of gag law

1.言论限制规则 gag rule 言论限制规则,限制或防止对某 Glorious Revolution 光 荣 革 命 , 1688- ...

2.言论限制令数决投票,加上他当议长的议事手段,在国会通过一个“闭嘴规定”(Gag Rule)的国会议事内规,这个“闭嘴规定”内容很简单…

4.限制言论自由的规则讨论来衡量的话,适用于两党合作的规则会自动地成为‘限制言论自由的规定’(Gag rule)。”【注释】Willmoore Kendall, “Bip…

7.言论禁制令奥巴马废除了“言论禁制令gag rule)”,不再禁止美国政府机构提供经费援助推广人工流产的海外组织。而在国内支持推翻“罗 …

8.言论箝制规范在1836年,美国国会的南方代表要求议会通过「言论箝制规范」(gag rule),禁止众议院针对奴隶议题发表任何言论,亚当斯 …


1.But he led a campaign against the gag rule. Adams said the rule was a violation of the constitutional right to petition Congress.亚当斯说,这项规定侵犯了宪法所赋予的公民可以向国会请愿的权利。

2.And it would reimpose the odious global "gag" rule, which forbids giving federal money to any group that even talks about abortions.它还将重拾禁止向任何即使只是论及堕胎的组织拨发联邦款项、臭名昭著的全球计划生育遏制政策。

3.The gag rule made great numbers of people in the North very angry. Because of it, these people began to support the abolitionist movement.这项规定使得大多数北方人很气愤,正因为如此,这些人开始支持废奴运动。

4.The so-called "gay gag rule, " which Miranov proposed, would impose hefty fines up to $16, 700 on violators.米兰诺夫提出的这项“同性恋言论限制法规”将对违规者处以最高1.67万美元罚款。
